When I close my eyes
I see you
And I see the dream
Of all I hope for you
Our tiny family
In the doctor’s office
When your nascent bottom
Sat square upon my belly
Showing us
For sure
You were a girl
My dream and my greatest fear
For I was raised by our women
I saw the power and pain
Of our women
We are women
With wings, yes
And claws and
Talons and passion
And so
Like superhero lore
That power and passion
Comes paired
With layered lessons
Of responsibility.
Innocence ignited and
Survival buried
The kindness
Abuse strangled
The hope
Trauma tortured
The tendrils of love
I got no stories from our women
I got name calling
A beautiful 2 year old
Laughing and haloed in the Texas evening sun
“She’s so pretty, we’ll need to get her on birth control before she’s 12”
Stupid statements said without thought
And the trajectory of everything twists, tilts, and spills
Till it is MY turn
And Hell No.
I see you, judgement. Walk away.
I will hold her in my arms and soothe her screams
I lay beside her crib
My face pressed against the bars till I have imprints
For she will take no lovey object other than me
Hell NO is my response to past patterns.
You will own your own body
And find power in your voice alone
And I will amplify whatever you need said
If you even need
My voice
I have your tiny thin arms
That snake around my neck
And in their slithering motion, heal
Every muscle they pass
Your smile is as big as the biggest
Crescent moon
Curling around every part of me
That ever felt small
And lifting it larger than love
Your eyes are open ocean magic
Lit by luminous summer moon moans
Melting fear and pain and trauma
Into chances
And future
And fearlessness
Or courage…depending on the perspective
My dear
My darling
You are tiny pieces of me
Echoes of all
Of our women
And really
You are none of us
While all of us
Stand behind you
Beside your
Around you and within you
We are your ancestors
Living and dead
And you are the most beautiful
Creative manifestation
Of no dream we have ever had
Thank heaven I have you,
May I always be worthy.
For I know very little in life as well as I know
That your love
Is the liquid elixir
That fixes nothing
And yet heal the holes
In every part of my aching
And the hearts
Of all
Our women