A child died
I'd never met him
A woman far too young
faces a demon called cancer
squirming its bastard way
into her brain
I think about these concepts often
When I was 23
my Women's Study/History professor
held a Santaria celebration
to usher in the new year.
I had my first tarot card reading there
as everyone left
a woman older than me sat beside me
we had one card pulled
and two polar opposite reactions

in a plowed field
arms down and palms forward
she faced away into the distance.
She saw sorrow
I saw courage, strength
I think, now, I see both
My nails are trimmed short
and still I wake up
with random scratches on my hands
I've been a widow for almost 5 years
I wonder if it's silly to search
for a mostly safe place
I notice how odd it is
that the feelings I feel are simultaneously
and all of the universe
folded into my melting, mourning mind
For 44 years I have been practicing breathing
I am finally mastering the skill
in fits and starts
Enough so that I am strong enough to choose
even when my breath hitches in sobs and stuttering tears
While foundations rumble.
My biggest secret and my deepest fear?
I am
So exhausted
And still
when I close my eyes
remember to breathe
I feel them
The child who died
The woman attacked by cancer
My husband dead five years
there are waves, and birds, breezes and songs
dreams and
things I can't explain
We are connected
we are woven
So I silently sing a secret whisper
and ask the nothing
the vibrates with it all
to hold me up
a little while longer
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