Dark paradoxes are
Connecting us to the powers
Of our invisible realm
Mysterious forces
Setting fire to firm
Beliefs and opening
Portals, infirmly crumbling
Allowing breezes in,
Allowing predators in...
Unlike predators that balance
In reconciliation
Killer and victim
Judgement separate from Mercy
He kills with the eyes of his heart
Letting life blood flow
Precious power, wasted
To protect his own veins,
Regardless of the rivers he may be
Undamming in others or, worse,
The geysers carved
Carelessly ragged in the hearts
Innocence attempting life
Free of all harmful intention
A baby bird learning to fly
His mindless sword swings true
And deep
While he walks away, fearless, careless, tearless
As his victim lover lies bleeding out
To die in his otherwise dry
Deep footprints
He is disconnected from all life
But his own
He sees no good, no virtues,
Only the absence of
Direct violence
And, oh! His indirect hits
They kill
So slowly
Unbearable. Unnamable
Blow up the bridge
That connects you,
My dear lost child.
Burn it to the ground and
Leave no regrets to grow
It is the only way
To survive...if
That be your will
Connecting us to the powers
Of our invisible realm
Mysterious forces
Setting fire to firm
Beliefs and opening
Portals, infirmly crumbling
Allowing breezes in,
Allowing predators in...
Unlike predators that balance
In reconciliation
Killer and victim
Judgement separate from Mercy
He kills with the eyes of his heart
Letting life blood flow
Precious power, wasted
To protect his own veins,
Regardless of the rivers he may be
Undamming in others or, worse,
The geysers carved
Carelessly ragged in the hearts
Innocence attempting life
Free of all harmful intention
A baby bird learning to fly
His mindless sword swings true
And deep
While he walks away, fearless, careless, tearless
As his victim lover lies bleeding out
To die in his otherwise dry
Deep footprints
He is disconnected from all life
But his own
He sees no good, no virtues,
Only the absence of
Direct violence
And, oh! His indirect hits
They kill
So slowly
Unbearable. Unnamable
Blow up the bridge
That connects you,
My dear lost child.
Burn it to the ground and
Leave no regrets to grow
It is the only way
To survive...if
That be your will